
Hi There, my name is Allan Ritchie

I'm a self-employed contractor bringing the mission of ".NET & Azure All The Things". I write end-to-end solutions primarily for mobile clients with Microsoft Azure & DevOps - It is a beautiful world to work in most days :)

I have over 25 years experience in software engineering. I love all things .NET and have been working with since the early 1.0 beta in 2001. My open source contributions over the years, started in NHibernate and some ASP.NET frameworks like Anthem for those who are old enough to remember that. Most of my notoriety these days in mobile OSS libraries. I adopted Xamarin when they were part of Novell and got an early start with a test library called Acr.UserDialogs. I have currently over 5 million downloads on NuGet across listed and unlisted packages.

I'm also a former Xamarin MVP and current (8x) Microsoft MVP.

Please feel free to contact me using the links below if you are looking for some OSS or professional development help!